Concept Development and Graphic Design for the big Exhibition "Paper Stories" at Östasiatiska Muséet. A Collaborative Project with dear Marcia Harvey Isaksson (SqCircle).

Trying to capture the essence of paper, in a visual and tactile way, we did a couple of short videos together with Ea Czyz, here the material properties are hightligted through tearing a sheet of paper. These movies were used in the exhibition space, as well as in marketing of the exhibition.
Trying to capture the essence of paper, in a visual and tactile way, we did a couple of short videos together with Ea Czyz, here the ancient relationship with ink was hightligted through simple but mediative brushstrokes, ink and water on a sheet of paper. These movies were used in the exhibition space, as well as in marketing of the exhibition.

A sneak peak from the photoshoot with Ea Czyz where we created the Title Image for the exhibition. Cut and Folded paper over an Ancient Paper Landscape Scroll.